lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

How to get rid of a cactus

January 31st.
I'm dissapearing (estoy desapareciendo).
There will be no us, no tomorrow.

Abzurdh plant lies on the floor, bleeding, not breathing.
Abzurdh plant hangs itself, a piece of sheet(shit) and a fan.
Abzurdh plant lived as a cactus since... (can't recall).
These facts are tempting her... and the appointment next week... and the months she has to wait, but if she compares them with her life, they seem to be just a few seconds.
And the emptyness of her temple, beautiful godess of no one.
And the noises that he used to make when they slept together once.
And the never-ending song that she plays in her MP3 every night.

February 1st.
There are a couple months left. A couple.
There is no couple. Just an X.
A forgettable group of words. A forgettable sound. A forgettable deepness.
And I'm so deep underground. So down.
The lowest voice as I try to run away.
My ragged eyes who silenced my mouth through the reflection of a delusional me in a broken mirror.

And she looks up to the ceiling. She's looking for the answer- never found in dreams, poetry or flames. She'd have done it long time ago. But the love, the hope and bonds...
So tight.
And she smiled for a while, and she lived for a while.
And then she became a cactus. Dreadful. Hurting.
A pair of eyes that cry at night. The same pair of eyes that used to shelter his heart... (hundred years ago).

December 31st, 11:59 PM, 2011.
Get rid of it. It's shattered.
Useless, purposeless, unprofitable, helpless.... (no sirve).
Good for nothing.

1 comentario:

Nate Ridenour. dijo...

Siempre me quedo leyendo, y intento... seriamente hacer una crítica asi ultra requete re dura y cotundente...

Pero despues me acuerdo que me divierte mucho leer esta clase de cosas... y me olvido de todo lo constructivo que puedo llegar a tener para decir xD

Que cagada :S

Saludos negra,